Infant swimming is the phenomenon of human babies and toddlers controlling their breath and the length of themselves through water. Infants will naturally oppressive their lungs underwater and are able to survive join up in water for rapid periods of time. Infants can moreover be beatific swimming lessons; this is primarily ended to condense the risk of drowning.
Human babies work up an inborn swimming or diving reflex from birth until the age of a propos six months. Other mammals with be anxious this phenomenon (see mammalian diving reflex). Babies immersed in water will spontaneously arrangement their breath (apnea), slow their heart rate (reflex bradycardia), and shorten blood circulation to the extremities such as fingers and toes (peripheral vasoconstriction). During the diving reflex, the infant's heart rate decreases by an average of 20%.
The summit of the infant's lungs is spontaneously sound off, and water entering the upper respiratory tract is diverted down the esophagus into the front. The diving confession has been shown to have an oxygen-conserving effect, both during pursuit and at flaming. Oxygen is saved for the heart and the lungs, slowing the onset of colossal hypoxic discontinuous. The diving reply can for that defense be regarded as an important defence mechanism for the body.
The summit of the infant's lungs is spontaneously sound off, and water entering the upper respiratory tract is diverted down the esophagus into the front. The diving confession has been shown to have an oxygen-conserving effect, both during pursuit and at flaming. Oxygen is saved for the heart and the lungs, slowing the onset of colossal hypoxic discontinuous. The diving reply can for that defense be regarded as an important defence mechanism for the body.
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