Starwars: Episode VII The Force Awakens is produced by Walt Disney Pictures and will be distributed by Walt Disney Studios Change of square Pictures Lucasfilm and Abrams' Bad Robot Productions. The Force Awakens (also known as Star Wars Digression VII the Force Awakens) is an upcoming American epicspace opera pellicle directed by J star Wars. The Force Awakens will be the first pellicle in the planned third Star Wars trilogy announced after The Walt Disney Collection's acquirement of Lucasfilm in October 2012. It is produced by Abrams and Lucasfilm presidentKathleen Kennedy his drawn out-duration collaborator Bryan Burk. With most considerable photography taking square between May and November 2014 in Abu Dhabi ireland and Pinewood Studios in England second-one filming began in April 2014 in Abu Dhabi and Iceland. The Force Awakens is scheduled for release by the end of this ear on Decmber 18,2015.
The chronicle is set near 30 years after the events of Go or come back of the Jedi (1983). Co-penman of the primitive trilogyfilms The Absolute authority Strikes Back and Go or come back of the Jedi abrams directed the pellicle from a screenplay he co-wrote with Lawrence Kasdan. And Star Wars originator George Lucas serves as creative consultant john Williams returns to constitute the notch. J. Abrams. Who also wrote the chronicle usage abrams and Kasdan rewrote an at the head script by Michael Arndt. Andy Serkis, trace Hamill Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker reprising their roles from antecedent films Anthony Daniels, and Max von Sydow, Adam Driver it stars John Boyega, Domhnall Gleeson Daisy Ridley with Harrison Wading-square Carrie Fisherman, the seventh installment in the Star Wars pellicle sequence (excluding twist-offs), oscar Isaac.
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